Recently I had a requirement where I needed to create some content types with their own Document Templates using PowerShell.
With the following function I was able to create a content type in a SharePoint Online environment and set up the document template I wanted. The function assumes that the document template has already been uploaded to the...
Attaching to the correct process when debugging a SharePoint On-Premise solution
When I started working with SharePoint and wanted to debug a WebPart that I was developing, I used to attach the visual studio instance to all the “w3wp.exe” processes running in the server. In this post I will show an easy way to attach Visual Studio to the process that is running the web application you are working on and not all the “w3wp.exe...
Generating a csv file on client side with Javascript
A simple way to generate or create a CSV file using only JavaScript code, without the help of any web service or server side code, is with a JavaScript Blob Object
The Blob object represents a byte sequence similar to a file and provides methods and properties to create or manipulate ranges of binary data. A blob can be created either using th...
Angular2 and Office365 with ADAL unified APIs [PART 2]
The goal of this article is to have a single page application developed with angular 2. Apart from connecting to office 365 with Azure Active Directory credentials, the application shows some data...
Exporting an array of objects into a csv file with PowerShell
I find very useful being able to output data in csv files when working with PowerShell, and this is a very simple way of doing it.
Apart from specifying the name of the output file, I used followind parameters:
The -encoding Parameter, to specify the -encoding for the exported CSV file and that way avoid encoding problems
The -NoTypeInforma...
Angular2 and Office365 with ADAL unified APIs [PART 1]
After giving a try to Angular2 for my latest post, I wanted to test Angular2 in a more realistic way. As I work with SharePoint on a daily basis, I decided to put Angular2 and office 365 together a...
Angular2 “5 MIN QUICKSTART” on Windows
Lately I’ve been reading a lot about angular2 and how it’s going to change drastically from what we know about the original Angular. Since it is in Developer Preview at the moment, I decided to giv...